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Flights schedule on February, 17
16 February 2022

Flights schedule on February, 17

☑ 7B2501 Kyiv (Zhulyany) 👉 Hurghada
Departure 03:25 ▫️ Arrival 07:10


☑ 7В2501 Hurghada 👉 Mombasa
Departure 08:00 ▫️ Arrival 14:10


☑ 7В2502 Mombasa 👉 Hurghada
Departure 15:30 ▫️ Arrival 19:30


☑ 7В2502 Hurghada 👉 Kyiv (Zhulyany)
Departure 20:20 ▫️ Arrival 00:20


☑ 7B103 Kyiv (Zhulyany) 👉 Odessa
Departure 07:25 ▫️ Arrival 08:25


☑ 7B501 Boryspil 👉 Barcelona
Departure 08:00 ▫️ Arrival 10:45


☑ 7В502 Barcelona 👉 Boryspil
Departure 11:45 ▫️ Arrival 16:15


☑ 7В321 Boryspil 👉 Tbilisi
Departure 18:00 ▫️ Arrival 22:40


☑ 7В322 Tbilisi 👉 Boryspil
Departure 23:40 ▫️ Arrival 00:35


☑ 7B301 / АОА301 Kyiv (Zhulyany) 👉Yerevan
Departure 15:00 ▫️ Arrival 19:40


☑ 7В302 / АОА302 Yerevan 👉 Kyiv (Zhulyany)
Departure 20:40 ▫️ Arrival 21:40


☑ 7В203 Odessa 👉 Prague canceled. We offer: 100% refund or delivery by two flights:
✔️АОА104 Odessa 👉Kiev (Zhulyany)
Departure 09:30 ▫️ Arrival 10:30
✔️Transfer from Kyiv (Sikorsky) airport to Boryspil airport.
✔️ОК919 Boryspil - Prague (Czech Airlines) ▫️ Departure 15:25


☑ Flight 7B204 Prague - Odessa - canceled. We offer: 100% refund or flight:
✔️ОК918 Prague 👉 Boryspil (Czech Airlines) Departure ▫️ 11:35
✔️Transfer from Boryspil airport to Odessa by bus.
🔅 Details of the bus transfer will be announced later. Please send a request to, provide a reservation number and a request to change the ticket.


☑ Flight 7B104 Odesa Kyiv at 16:00 - canceled.
We offer: 100% refund, Air Ocean flight or transfer from Odesa airport to Kyiv by bus. Details of the transfer will be announced at the check-in counter at Odesa Airport 2 hours before departure.


Please address all questions to contact center or

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