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5,000 cheap tickets right now! During the week. Just do it!
17 January 2022

5,000 cheap tickets right now! During the week. Just do it!

HONEY, the week starts with some awesome news!


We have opened 5000 LIGHT happy tickets for only 50 c.u. in almost all directions and then distributed them evenly by date.


✔ Catch 5000 chances for an unforgettable trip on the website!

✔ The tariff is available for sale from 17 to 24 January.

✔ Remember that there are only 5000 tickets and they can running out earlier. 

✔ So don't hesitate! Choose your dream country right now while seats are available on flights. JUST DO IT! 

✔ Travel depth until October 31, 2022, so plans can be big!


You will definitely find your ticket to the desired destination! And if, suddenly the lucky tickets you have chosen have already been over - scan the next dates - they will definitely be there.


We are waiting for you on board!

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